Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tiling Outdoor Block Walls

invert the sexes!

No, I do not say to a male and a broom to tie the home of 80 years, either because the male would try to volarci, two because the Granny ironing his tie.
I want to go off schedule, out of all logic and create an absurd. Let
imagine what would have happened if he had been Grimilde Grimilde. Can you imagine a man who says the mirror-mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? - But I miss Narciso.
I imagine a different scene.

-Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most gifted of them all? -

-Lord, you are certainly very talented, but White is more gifted than five centimeters! -

And the story would change dramatically. The name Bianconeve would not be appropriate, it takes something as white, yes, but stay on the subject ... For obvious reasons, simply call the White protagonist.
The hunter, instead of bringing the heart, should lead to the penis of the protagonist, the evil Grimilde, but they can not take that deer, for problems of size, obviously on the horse.
you imagine that White sings with the finches while preparing a cake for midgets? Twisting, White sings, but in growl, the freaks are not dwarfs, but Nanette horny and the Prince becomes a blue princess blue.
Let the physiognomy of the protagonist. Snow White was a lot of pussy, of fair complexion and hair the color of ebony. Our hero, becomes therefore, dumplings, of fair complexion and hair ebony long enough.
Come narrated. White escaped from the hunter, and found himself in a dark forest. After many adventures, some desperate song, came to the home of Nanette miners. White decided to clean house and sleep. White, decided instead to rent a pornazzo! Once finished, he decided to go upstairs, where she found seven little beds. What did Snow White? There are adage gently. White, who was much more practical, took the mattresses and threw them on the ground, forming a bed on a human scale. He tore curtains from windows, and we made the sheets. They returned
Snow White was terrified, such as dwarfs, while White, in addition to being fun, something proposed by eight to Nanette, who accepted willingly.

Days passed, and White 'nzozzò house worse than a hungry tribe of half-breed Nibelungs. Instead of clearing with the deer, birds and possums, he decided to train them. Deer taught to bring the ball to the birds to defecate on his head the evil Grimilde, the opossum of dust with their tails and anteaters something completely different.
Grimilde but discovered the secret of the hunter, he decided to disguise himself as a helpless old man, a poisoned apple.
Grimilde arrived at the home of dwarfs.

You want an apple- handsome young man? -

-No, thanks, I hate apples! -

that was the reason that he had to wipe Grimilde the next day with a basket assorted fruits.

-Oh, even the brave young man, I want a fruit? -

-Eh, I do not know if you want the fruit-

-Ma Of course my dear, here's all-

-Hai also Licis? -

And that was the reason that Grimilde had to revise again the next day.
third day.

-T 'I brought a basket of strawberry, or Licis, call them what you like, enough for you? -

No, today I want Avocado-

Grimilde blinded by anger, stuck in a groove in White Licis poisoned, causing him to fall into a deep coma.
Satisfied, he returned home.

-Mirror, mirror of my boots, who is the most gifted of them all? -

-White! -

Speeeeee Ah, White is' nHow-

"Then you, my lord-

Meanwhile , the Nanette returned home with their employer, the Princess Blue. White found half-dead, comatose and with a Licis between trachea and esophagus, they decided to put it in a crystal coffin. Unnecessary were the suggestions of the princess: "But here is behind the hospital, let's drag him to the hospital! -
So the princess, in hiding, he decided to go see White, opened the glass case and spellbound by the charm of the boy, there pumice fury. No, the prince was still in a coma. She then kissed her neck in White. Still nothing. He tried on the sternum. Nothing. Kiss kiss after part of the body after the body arrived at the foot of the boy.

-Nothing, nothing, nothing-

Riviera finally became aware that a kiss a person could not awaken from the coma. Frustrated, and salivation zero, White stuck in his shoulder for him to hospital. According to the chronicles of the village, the princess had worn down the boy to the ground. For the bustle of the fall, The trachea was freed immediately awakening White, the hospital's medical records instead, explained in detail how it took four steps to remove the curse Licis, and several weeks to remove the poison by dialysis.
The fact is that they all lived happily ever after, the princess married Blanc, Nanette was awarded the title of royal concubines and Grimilde, gnawing like a madman, he decided to move the cabin and mirror in Japan, where at least he had the security to be the most gifted.



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