Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rule For Blends Sc And Sk

Say No!

of this man, you want to know if it looks more like his mother, his father, or you do not care?
And him? Do you know if weaves of shoes bearing the 42, 43, or you do not care?
And of them, you want to know if they are heterosexual, homosexual or not you care?

certain differences in life can not count. Reject homophobia. Do not be different than you.

But look, my doctor no longer be a snail sex, masturbating watching two wild sheep that can mate with a mare, but if you bring 42 of the shoe does not even dare to touch me. Not so, I reject homophobia, but I accept the numerodiscarpafobia, the only form of racism right.
Let's talk. Now you have realized the existence of homosexuals? Not exist before, mica were not part of society, were the untouchables in India perhaps? But these poracci, shall have the right to love who they want? Have the right to fuck as they see fit? To us, what do you care if mister male range starts with delta male coach? It is perhaps fornicate in your houses pure and chaste? ...

The mysterious thing, however, are aired before the network made four, with the priests to revive Torquemada, just to torture the sodomites and lesbians, and then broadcasts the public against 'homophobia. You little man / little woman do the schedules, you're a cunning unheard of, you know?
can do better, first send a sermon the pope, which specifies that condoms are evil and should be used only by male prostitutes, then add a little 'hatred of gays, with some speculation rather than punished, of course: the gay-zono the evil of the world, the omozezzuali marcirannuo tetesko in hell-and only then can broadcast advertising against homophobia!
do not know why, despite campaigns by sending against homophobia, there are guys who do not accept the facts. But I say, you are screwed in, they give you so much trouble 'sti poracci?
Best of all though, is the misogyny, I must say that in Italy is well established, while denying it day by day. Just think about this:

-Man who does lots of sex = Mandrill, Playboy, Force of Nature, Bello's father-
Woman doing lots of sex = Whore, daughter degenerate

Why? Not even the women will be entitled to their share of orgasms satisfying without being labeled? It will not be time to update the dictionary? We add the little word MORTODIFIGA, attacked all of course, that become the equivalent of a bitch. Mo enough! The human being equally, irrespective of gender, need to have sex, good, release endorphins and relax. Because it has become a dirty over the centuries? Now assign a little homework: Say aloud, without shame I masturbate / I have a sex life, and I'm not ashamed to say it.
Finally, I conclude by saying that I want a woman in charge of Italy, possibly a woman with ovarian square, which has found its way to the brain and not with the vagina. But I do not think will see it, so as not to pick up a intelligent woman in power, you better cut your testicles.


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