This guide was created following a logical thread and trying to not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!
Install libraries needed
The first thing to do is get the libraries we need (via internet) :
Zlib is a compression library, libpng instead we need to use and manage the images in "png".
To install these libraries, start the terminal and type:
- svn checkout svn: / / svn.pspdev.org / psp / trunk / zlib
This command will start the download of "zlib" that will be placed in the zlib folder. The download should not take long. At the end we need to compile this library and then type "cd zlib" and so we move to 'within the path here and type "make". This command will help us every time we fill a library.
If you had errors, like me, in compiling this library, do this:
Join in the "zlib" with a text editor such as Notepad and open the file "Makefile"
Save changes
Finally type:
- PSPDEV export = / usr / local / pspdev
export PATH = $ PATH: $ PSPDEV / bin
hour restart "make"
Now that is completed we move the resulting file in the place where the compiler can access and use. So now type "make install". In case you have Linux you need to type "make install" with root privileges using the "up" or by writing "sudo make install". Now the library is installed and ready for 'use. Do not close the terminal and continue.
Now we perform the same procedure for "libpng". Then enter with the same terminal:
cd ..
svn checkout svn: / / svn.pspdev.org / psp / trunk / libpng
cd libpng
make install (as root)
Well, now everything is installed, and then continue. But first, if you will, clean up the 'hard disk from these files useless. Now we can start planning.
framebuffer.c (
framebuffer.h (
graphics.c ( http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=d5273gq_7djzn4h
graphics.h (
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