If you have Windows obviously skip this whole part.
Unfortunately the world of GNU / Linux is too heterogeneous than that of Windows and not having exceptional skills and knowledge in computer science I can not write a guide fully universal, or error of providing every aspect ' installation in various distributions of GNU / Linux. I refer to my personal experience linked to a GNU / Linux used a lot like Ubuntu. I own and I tested the 'installation on Ubuntu 6.10, should be fine on any Linux, you may only vary the number of dependencies. Personally I recommend using, if possible, to easily install Debian or Ubuntu all dependencies that must be met through apt-get and synaptic.
first need to download the 'installer' psp toolchain. Take them out from this site
in the psp to make sure you have the 'latest version. I state that I first installed an older version has been exempted from " http://ps2dev.org
" and gave me errors and did not finish the installation script, but with the new one taken from the site I went very smooth and then taken psp toolchain only from the site I mentioned!
Before moving on to 'install psp toolchain should be installed:
build-essential" (do not know if this only on Ubuntu, however it takes to install the compilers psp-based toolchain needed to compile, type "gcc" and "g + +")"
" autoconf" " wget"
" svn"
should require other dependencies as we start the install script, just read the errors and install, search the package more similar to the one listed in 'error or by reading the README in the folder of psp toolchain, so it should not be difficult. L 'installation needs of the Internet to download and install all required packages Log out and then not until the end 'installation. Without this we can remove the 'archive' psp toolchain. Posizioniamoci all 'inside of the folder where you extracted the files using the terminal and the command "
cd / percorso_cartella_toolchain " on the terminal and type "chmod a + x - toolchain.sh
" and then we start the script with root privileges ( using "up" or "sudo command") by typing ". / toolchain.sh . If there are errors, typically caused by addictions, we'll get it! In this script are the command to build our psp toolchain on Linux and all will be done automatically. Let's say that if the script smoothly we passed a huge hurdle and we will install the tool to begin programming.
Ok everything is fixed. From now on we will have fun more ...
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