Wednesday, November 21, 2007

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9) Sixth (use of files, read-only)

  • WARNING! ! This guide was created following a logical thread and trying not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

  • now introduce an important topic, the 'use of the files on the PSP. Here, we limit ourselves to reading files stored on our memory stick. Now we will explain the 'use fopen, fread, fclose fseek, fgetc and malloc.
    Now we're going to make some simple operations:
    open a file and load it into memory

    close the file

    This will give you the foundation for the 'use of' I ' (input \\ output) files. Well I think I have made a pretty quick and comprehensive overview, then go to the facts.

    The guide continues here:


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