Wednesday, November 21, 2007

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8) Fifth (use of sound and MP3)

  • WARNING! !

    This guide has been created following a logical thread and trying not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

  • This lesson is a brief explanation of how to play sound and music on your psp. The sound FX and background music are two elements that give an application look different and therefore should not be overlooked, as is aspesso. Often this is caused by the fact that many programmers do not see the 'time to release your program, or simply because know how to implement sound in their applications. I hope this guide will help in the 'help programmers to put the sound in their applications. The first thing we do is remove the library "libmad" with svn, as we did with the libraries' s use of images.

    libmad is an MPEG audio decoder released under the GPL. This library has been ported to PSP by John_K. Then we open our usual terminal and type:

    svn checkout svn: / /

    You should see a large numbers of files. After just enter the folder with the command "cd libmad" and start to compile it and install it. Then type:


    If "make" it returns error, as has happened to me, just go to the folder "libmad". In here look for the folder called "src" and enter it into. Now edit the Makefile in this directory with a text editor. So now look for the line "PSPSDK = $ (shell psp-config - pspsdk-path)" and replace it with this 'other line' PSPSDK : = $ (Shell / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-config-pspsdk-path) ". Then look for the line "PSPDIR = $ (shell psp-config-psp-prefix)" and replace it with "PSPDIR = $ (shell / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-config-psp-prefix)."

    • Then we type in the terminal (with root privileges):

    cd / usr / bin

    sudo ln / usr/local/pspdev/bin/psp- gcc
    • sudo ln / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-ar

    sudo ln / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-ranlib

    These commands are only there to create links to executable files we need. We do this to avoid having to install the script to write the entire path of each one of these files. In fact, now just:

    • make

    • Now we type "make install", but unfortunately the script contains errors and would not do what we want, then type (or after in its place):

    sudo cp-Rf. / include / usr / local / pspdev / psp /

    sudo cp-Rf. / Lib / libmad.a / usr / local / pspdev / psp / lib

    • Alro With these commands do not do that manually copy the libraries in the right position . Now these libraries are installed and are ready to be used by our compiler toolchain psp!

    We then create two files, as nominiamoli down inside and copy the contents of the document that opens next to the relevant file:

    • mp3player.h ( http:// / Doc? id = d5273gq_13dgbtwz )

    • mp3player.c (
    • )

    These libraries were obtained from the "John_K's PSPMediaCenter. By changing some of his sources. Now we create the usual file "main.c" with an edited text and begin!

    The guide continues here:

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    9) Sixth (use of files, read-only)

  • WARNING! ! This guide was created following a logical thread and trying not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

  • now introduce an important topic, the 'use of the files on the PSP. Here, we limit ourselves to reading files stored on our memory stick. Now we will explain the 'use fopen, fread, fclose fseek, fgetc and malloc.
    Now we're going to make some simple operations:
    open a file and load it into memory

    close the file

    This will give you the foundation for the 'use of' I ' (input \\ output) files. Well I think I have made a pretty quick and comprehensive overview, then go to the facts.

    The guide continues here:

    Can You Chop Raw Chicken In A Food Processor

    7) Fourth (use of color and CPU)

    WARNING! !

    This guide was created following a logical thread and trying not to repeat things already covered in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!
  • E '' s time to more advanced concepts. During this lesson will explain how to overclock our CPU to the true speed of 333 MHz, type text and not true to debug and understand how the colors. What we will do now is to essentially enable the 'user can change the background color and display the components of that color on the screen. To understand the value components of each color that should be da0 at 255. First of all it is good to explain a thing. Overclock a PC is a practice that involves risks because of 'enormous heat generated by the CPU and may cause why the break, on the other hand gives us more power. For the PSP is different because it is not a true overclock. In fact, Sony wanted to give us a cpu from 333 mhz but did not want you would use the full right from 'beginning. As we all know the PSP runs on battery power and more power = less battery life. So he wanted to keep the CPU frequency at an acceptable speed so that the battery would last much longer. Other reasons why Sony would not allow the default maximum speed could also be related to programming, the programmers to get used to avoid wasting resources, and then maybe later to give an impetus to new games that could have better graphics discovering a new power. But in my opinion maybe it is related more to 'use of the UMD optical drive that absorbs much energy.

    So we do not need all that power for our little program, but it might be helpful to know that there is more power and can be used, decreasing or increasing at will!





    If you do not you download it from the previous lesson.

    • The guide continues here:


    When Bp Numbers Are Close Together

    5) According to the program (use keys)

    WARNING! !
  • this manual has been created by following a logical thread and trying not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess in head and therefore they could not learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

  • The guide continues here:

    Pt-lb51 Wont Power On

    6) The third program (using images)

  • WARNING! !

    This guide was created following a logical thread and trying to not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

  • Install libraries needed

    The first thing to do is get the libraries we need (via internet) :



    Zlib is a compression library, libpng instead we need to use and manage the images in "png".

    To install these libraries, start the terminal and type:

    • svn checkout svn: / / / psp / trunk / zlib

    • This command will start the download of "zlib" that will be placed in the zlib folder. The download should not take long. At the end we need to compile this library and then type "cd zlib" and so we move to 'within the path here and type "make". This command will help us every time we fill a library.

    If you had errors, like me, in compiling this library, do this:

    Join in the "zlib" with a text editor such as Notepad and open the file "Makefile"

    Replace the line "PSPSDK = $ (shell psp-config-pspsdk-path)" with "PSPSDK: = $ (shell / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-config-pspsdk-path)"
    • sostutuite the subject line "PSPDIR = $ (shell psp-config-psp-prefix)" with "PSPDIR: = $ (shell / usr / local / pspdev / bin / psp-config-psp-prefix) "

    Save changes

    Finally type:

    • PSPDEV export = / usr / local / pspdev

    • export PATH = $ PATH: $ PSPDEV / bin

    • hour restart "make"

    Now that is completed we move the resulting file in the place where the compiler can access and use. So now type "make install". In case you have Linux you need to type "make install" with root privileges using the "up" or by writing "sudo make install". Now the library is installed and ready for 'use. Do not close the terminal and continue.

    • Now we perform the same procedure for "libpng". Then enter with the same terminal:

    • cd ..

    • svn checkout svn: / / / psp / trunk / libpng

    cd libpng

    make (we adjust Makefile as above)

    make install (as root)

    • Well, now everything is installed, and then continue. But first, if you will, clean up the 'hard disk from these files useless. Now we can start planning.

    • start

    • Open 's text editor and create 4 files, named as below, in which we write the contents of the document that is clicking next to the relevant file:

    framebuffer.c (


    framebuffer.h (


    graphics.c (


    graphics.h (


    • now created and edited with the 'text editor a file called "main.c".

    • The guide continues here:


    Science Projects Drum

    4) First program (Hello World!)

    WARNING! !

    This guide was created following a logical thread and trying not to repeat what has already been discussed in previous chapters. So if overridden chapters going too fast, you risk having to set up a mess on his head and as a result of failing to learn what you wanted. Having said that go!

    During these guides will be asked to create the file type "main.c". On Linux you have the extensions visible, you can easily create a file of this type, but on Windows it will be harder. So if you have Windows revenue on any folder like "My Documents" and look at the top of the options one that says "Folder Options". Looking good here will find an option that should say "Do not hide extensions for known file. Once done, you can create a text file with Notepad and note the 'extension. "Txt" after the filename (adding the program Notepad but not from you!). You have to eliminate. "Txt" and write. "C" or. "H" depending on what ask in this guide. When it say to create "Makefile", no extension, it means that you will create a file with Notepad and call it "Makefile" and remove the last part, that is. "Txt" is added automatically. Windows will ask if you really want to do it safely and you say yes. That's it, happy reading!

    The guide continues here:

    Only One Copy Of Diablo Ii May Run At A Time

    3.1) Installing PSP compiler on GNU / Linux

    If you have Windows obviously skip this whole part.

    Unfortunately the world of GNU / Linux is too heterogeneous than that of Windows and not having exceptional skills and knowledge in computer science I can not write a guide fully universal, or error of providing every aspect ' installation in various distributions of GNU / Linux. I refer to my personal experience linked to a GNU / Linux used a lot like Ubuntu. I own and I tested the 'installation on Ubuntu 6.10, should be fine on any Linux, you may only vary the number of dependencies. Personally I recommend using, if possible, to easily install Debian or Ubuntu all dependencies that must be met through apt-get and synaptic.

    first need to download the 'installer' psp toolchain. Take them out from this site
    in the psp to make sure you have the 'latest version. I state that I first installed an older version has been exempted from "
    " and gave me errors and did not finish the installation script, but with the new one taken from the site I went very smooth and then taken psp toolchain only from the site I mentioned!

    Before moving on to 'install psp toolchain should be installed:


    build-essential" (do not know if this only on Ubuntu, however it takes to install the compilers psp-based toolchain needed to compile, type "gcc" and "g + +")



    " autoconf" " wget"

    " svn"

    • should require other dependencies as we start the install script, just read the errors and install, search the package more similar to the one listed in 'error or by reading the README in the folder of psp toolchain, so it should not be difficult. L 'installation needs of the Internet to download and install all required packages Log out and then not until the end 'installation. Without this we can remove the 'archive' psp toolchain. Posizioniamoci all 'inside of the folder where you extracted the files using the terminal and the command "

      cd / percorso_cartella_toolchain
    • " on the terminal and type "chmod a + x

      " and then we start the script with root privileges ( using "up" or "sudo command") by typing ". / . If there are errors, typically caused by addictions, we'll get it! In this script are the command to build our psp toolchain on Linux and all will be done automatically. Let's say that if the script smoothly we passed a huge hurdle and we will install the tool to begin programming.

    • Ok everything is fixed. From now on we will have fun more ...

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    3.2) Compiler Installation PSP Windows

    If you skip this whole part of course Linux
    . On Windows, we're going to install the same psptoolchain for linux but using a small emulator to believe that the program to run on Linux.

    first need to download the 'installer' psp toolchain. Take them out from this site
    in the psp to make sure you have the 'latest version. Download Cygwin also searching the web with
    or otherwise. Download and install it by double-clicking on 'executable Cigwin. Click "Next" and select "Install from Internet" and click on "next". Here we can now choose where to install Cygwin. The "root directory" should be set to "C: \\ cygwin" if you have the 'installation Windows on another partition other than C: a change in C: with the correct letter. Ignore all other settings and click "next". Now they ask where to put files that are downloaded and installed by cygwin. When the 'installation is finished, you can also delete them to save space on' hard disk. Click "Next" and asks you about your connection, if you do not know what to say do not change nothing and click "next". Now will be shown a list of servers from which you can download the installation file, click on one of them and click "next". It will now download the list of components, which will take a few minutes, depending to your connection speed. Once this is done, click "view" on top of the screen components available for installation. You'll need the following:

    autoconf 2.1 automake 1.9

    gcc-g + +
    patchutils subversion
    You can select them by clicking where it says "skip." "Skip" will change to a version number. Do not worry if other components are selected, and those required by Cygwin or components you selected will automatically be set to download (if necessary). After the selection, click "next". Cygwin download and install the selected components. This will take some time, so going to watch a TV show or surf while waiting. After finishing the installation, you're ready to install the psp toolchain. Let's go to the Start menu or the folder where we installed Cygwin ("C: \\ cigwin" if we did not change anything) and we start "Cygwin bash shell by clicking on the file" cygwin.bat "double click. It should start a command line. After seeing "username @ computername ~" you can close the window, the 'environment has been properly set and started. Now take the PSP toolchain that you have already downloaded and used Winrar or Winzip to extract the contents of file "C: / cygwin / home / user" where "user" is your username. the PSP toolchain needs some modification to work with Cygwin, then start the notepad, and open "C: / cygwin / home / user / psptoolchain /" and do a "Find and Replace With" to replace all instances of "gmake" to "make" and all instances of "gpatch" in "patch" and save the file. Now it's time to install it, and then open the "Cygwin bash shell" again. Now it's time to get you started using the Linux command line (which we use with Cygwin). You should see a "$" on top of the line. Now we have to change the folder in which we find to move on that called "psptoolchain. Type in "ls" in the bash shell, this is going to list. We will have as a result of Lystra all files in the current directory (this command is similar to "dir" command line in Windows). Now you should see a folder called "psptoolchain" where we go. Then type "cd psptoolchain" and hit enter. "Cd" is used to change the folder, and change (of course) the current folder in which we operate. Now, take a quick "ls" again, and you'll see the files in this folder. What we need is " To run this file, type ". /" and press Enter. In Linux, "." indicate the current directory, and ".." indicates the parent directory, then run this command indicates "," located in the current directory. The script "" will do the rest for you. This can lead to last several hours, according to the specifications of your machine. For reference, my 3.0GHz Pentium 4 took about three hours to run the entire script, so please be patient. Well leave your PC if you want, and go out and do another.

    Now that everything is downloaded and installed the last step we have to do. We must tell CYGWIN where it can find the PSPSDK (what the toolchain just installed) and the toolchain. To do this, we need to change "C: / cygwin / cygwin.bat" to include paths. So close Cygwin, and reach "C: / cygwin" and click the right mouse button on cygwin.bat. Select "Edit" and you should see a notepad window with the following:
    @ echo off

    • chdir C: \\ cygwin \\ bin
    • bash - login-i
    • Replace everything with them:
    • @ echo off


    chdir C: \\ cygwin \\ bin

    set path =% path% C: / cygwin / usr / local / pspdev / bin
    September PSPSDK = C: / cygwin / usr / local / pspdev

    bash - Login-i

    are now ready to begin! If you want to compile the sources, go to the directory where you will find moving with "cd" and type "make kxploit" and you should receive an EBOOT.PBP that you can put in your PSP 1.50.
    From now on we will have fun more ...

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    2) The compiler

    Before we install a component essential to the creation of programs for the PSP, the compiler. We will need to transform the program code into an executable file from the PSP. E 'crucial. L 'installation of the compiler is, in my opinion, one of the hardest parts for a new hood on the PSP programmer, but following the guide you should be able to do so with ease. The compiler that we are going to install is called "psp toolchain. It 's a compiler only on Unix-like operating systems. These operating systems are those that look like UNIX. Some examples are: Linux and Mac but not Windows. But do not worry, we can also install it on Windows with a small emulator called Cygwin. Now explain how to install it on Linux and Windows. Unfortunately I have a Mac to Mac users so you just have to find a guide to install PSP toolchain "on the Internet. While driving you will see (comparing "" to my tutorial, if you do) that the two guides are identical except for a few corrections that I made up some files that I compiled . I repeat that this is to ensure that these things are tested and working.

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    1) Program on the PSP (using C)

  • To program various languages \u200b\u200bwere invented to simplify the task of creating programs. Even on the PSP on PC as there are several options and explain what will be only one of many. To which we will use is possible using the C language To schedule on PSP you need to know a little C in order to continue with this guide. Of crucial importance is to know the basic constructs (eg IF ... ELSE, WHILE, FOR, etc.. And know what they are and how to create functions). So if you are fasting, see a simple guide on the internet that shows you these issues. I state that I'm not a hacker or a skilled programmer; but only a passionate person in the planning and to play with. This guide on how to program for the PSP is from my experiences and information and route information from the web, so I take no credit and no responsibility on what will you do with this text. I am limited only to rewrite the content already on the web into something more coherent, organized and just hope for all those who, like me, have a passion to plan and do something different on their PC, but who have encountered difficulties configurations and installations not exactly easy. Nominate sites to be fair I've seen (at the time the laws still do not know if they exist):

  • (this is the site I always consulted and is in English)