Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Disney Cars Cake Template

Damn, in the name of anyone

I hate Valentine's Day. I hate and as saint and as a holiday ... and I'm not ashamed to say that is because of envy. All those people who say-no, not on Valentine's Day is because I am alone at home in strafogarmi of ice cream, is like a holiday that disgusts me, makes me highly worthwhile. I do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it means to spend a day stereotyped based on the spend-spend-sanding-buffing-spend-chupadance. A little 'I rode there, I understand why all these people are, um, happy. So yes, every 14 February, I turn evil, I become a hyena, which I discovered recently, can bend steel with his teeth. It would be enough to bend the vertebral column me. All those damned
couples who jumped on the subway, I do get fed up with the bile, with a mix of hatred and killer instinct. Imagine ever give out a magnetic field from the green feet, to match the eyes, and kill all those people who have a semblance of happiness in that narrow place that is the subway. But nothing, no one falls to the ground lifeless, no loop in front of my eyes. Do not take me for crazy, but we have a good relationship with the dark side of themselves, not to lose control, at the height of my ignorance, I do not remember who has given this concept, but it has my heartiest approval.
Here I am talking about a bloody event, I would not be cursed. Those things twisted desire what you hate.
In addition, I have the excuse that I rode by the eye, my left eye very kind, who has decided to reveal a scotoma of dubious origin from day to day. Thanks
left eye, with this I solved the problem of tedious days, those without testicular revolutions.
I also thank you, dear lungs, you had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200battacking the only family that could take decent until my old age. Thanks. And thanks to my parents, who are probably rotting in the same way. I thank also those who had the brilliant idea to let me know a world that does not see again. Fuck
also you, you feel 'I'm fucking down from heaven. Fuck even the alarm clock that will play tomorrow at 6 am, and I will take the worst ills of the morning because I was under water.
Thank you, fucking bastard, you've replaced the figure of my grandmother for eleven long years and then you were gone for a handful of euro, thanks. My recurring dream and stuck under the car, after 10 years. Think about how you can be left.
And thank you, dear mother, having had the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bopening a restaurant and ruin what little salvageable from my adolescence. Do not believe the Essert saved, thanks to you, unhappy father, I know that you wanted the ball from a fan fucks the whole neighborhood, including nuns. I'm sorry, really would have preferred an alpha male, the testes crocefissone gold and tattooed like a football, I know. Instead you have to settle for one who hates the sport in general and has waited 19 years before you do something ... But overall I can not complain at all, between too much and you have always been sympathetic, understanding a child's funny how he wants me there, and I realize that.
The only real thanks goes to the slave of my sister, who although is a bit 'dictator and a watching men and women, is the only example of life that I want to follow, after all the evil that they did is still standing, stronger than ever, with two wonderful little children under a light, sometimes a bit 'dim, but still bright.


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