Arduino open-source hardware platform, it is based on a simple I / O board and a development environment that uses a library Wiring to simplify writing programs in C and C + +, to be run on the board.
addition, Arduino is pre-programmed with a bootloader that makes it easy to load programs into flash memory -chip, compared to alt re available devices that require, usually, an external programmer. Recent versions of the Arduino are managed via USB: The latest version of the card, the One , using a microcontroller programmed as Atmega8U2 USB-serial converter, while ome variations, such as the Arduino Mini , using a card or a USB-serial adapter cable detachable. Pacing nte developing open-source can be downloaded for free (for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux) from Arduino - HomePage .
There are several types of Arduino boards:
- the latest Arduino One is equipped with a microcontroller Atmega328, has 14 digital I / O and 6 analog inputs. Its flash memory is 32 KB of which only 0.5 KB used for the bootloader.
- Duemilanove Arduino microcontroller features a ATMega168 or Atmega328, has 14 I / O channels and 6 analog inputs. It has a flash memory of 16 KB (ATMega168) or 32 KB (Atmega328) of which 2 KB used by the bootloader.
- Arduino Mega the greatest of all, it comes with ATMega1280 microcontroller has 54 I / O channels and 16 analog inputs. It has 128 KB of flash memory with 4 KB used for the bootloader.
- Arduino Nano and the smaller version of breadboard Arduino Nano, features a ATMega168 or Atmega328 microcontroller has 14 I / Os and 8 analog inputs. It has the compact dimensions of 18 x 43 mm. It has 16 KB of flash memory (ATmega128) or 32 KB (Atmega328) in 2KB used by the bootloader .
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