Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Black Blod Speaker Dont Work

from 'Large Hadron Collider at CERN Staff

300px-CERN_LHC_Tunnel1 As you know by now a few days has been successfully activated the 'accelerator at CERN, and then it now seems certain that there will be no end of the world as opposed to some scientists speculated' experiment.

probably in October will be injected new proton beams, which will be divided Accell and collide.

have 4 major experiments that will focus 3000 physicists hunt for the Higgs boson, the famous "god particle" that is the cell constitutes a 'universal.

Here I wanted to add some interesting links, or if you find any useful resource, please report them in a comment ;)

To learn more about God Particle (BOOK)

Main the Higgs boson (WEB)

To investigate the Large Hadron Collider (WEB)


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