Monday, December 29, 2008
Studio 54 Party Ideas
are two in the morning and I'm in London. The icy wind lashed the city has for three days my face had disappeared and my beautiful young girlfriend in a heavy black scarf and a wool hat vaguely Andes. But London is always exciting and full of life and also the cold part of the game. Samuel Jackson was right, saying "when you're tired of London you're tired of life" ... Christmas in London, one of the things I most like to do in life, even if this year is extremely simple and London orphan of his usual Christmas lights. But London is London and also senplicemente walk from Piccadilly to Leicester is a dip in life, colors and music of its artists from the road. London is also the closest I got the most beautiful experiences in the field of NLP E 'here a few years ago I had the good fortune to participate in the UWP, the seminar by Tony Robbins "Unleash the power within you that you (Unleash The Power Within ). Three days of fun, reflection and friendship with a lot of walking on burning Carboli. L 'power of ten thousand people dancing, crying, laughing together and find a way to overcome limitations and negative beliefs and to release the energy we all possess . 's appointment with Tony Robbins has become a regular event for me and even if they are already the fourth experience every time I discover something new and interesting ideas for my personal growth .
Tony Robbins returns well this year and for the first time we Italians do not move because in 2009 we will be in Rome! An event of which we shall speak. For now we will enjoy London. Until next time!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
What Should I Use For Vacuoles
Why are there people who are successful, they create wonderful things, have friends, receive love, express serenity and security? Why always get the results they want and have a full and satisfying life? It seems that the whole world revolves around them. Their gestures and behaviors are perhaps the cause of their "luck"? And if they replicated? Luckily there is a science that studies the behavior of those enviable people and made an exciting discovery: we can all learn from them, replicating their behavior patterns and become instantly successful people. Do not be born rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, have no knowledge or influential .... Who has had success has had only one chance: she already knew these models at an unconscious level, and without even knowing it, applied them in everyday life! We can all learn this' art. If you're thinking that it is impossible .. you're right! If you think that this magic can come true ... you're right anyway! This is the first major discovery: what we genuinely think is exactly the mirror what will happen. If you think negative you will have negative results .... if you think optimistically ... it will be easier for you to achieve your results! Moreover, the popular wisdom says, God helps people happy! It means that you can, with your thoughts affect your reality. The science that studies the behaviors of success, explaining how to replicate them, called NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming. It can really change your life and our reality ... .. And can do a lot of other things ... I like to call the GNP as the "instruction manual" affascianante of the most mysterious and powerful device that we have: our brain.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
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I personally saw this video and I must say it was truly enlightening vision I recommend to everyone.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Caique Parrot Illinois
Hello, everyone is a bit 'that I wrote on the blog, unfortunately due to time constraints, now return briefly to report you to write a new eBook published by Bruno Editore seems promottere a lot. The following description and link where to get more information.
The book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne has sold millions of copies and has spread all over the world the concept of "law of attraction. " And the practice? The "New Law of Attraction" gives you the answer!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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The Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is a model of interpretation and study of human potential. This is a neuroscience that examines the various levels of behavior and communication of the individual, intrapersonal and interpersonal, and cognitive processes underlying the behavior, activities of thought and emotion.
The name of Neuro Linguistic Programming comes from the merger of three concepts that are the foundations of this discipline:
- Programming: expresses the notion that you can make choices for the organization of ideas and actions for the achievement of its objectives;
- Neuro : relates to everything that concerns our neurological processes, such as the use of the five senses for finding information on the surrounding world;
- Linguistics: relates to study of communication processes and use of language (including nonverbal).
NLP was born in the early '70s through the collaboration of John Grinder , then assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California at Santa Cruz and Richard Bandler , in that time student of psychology . The two researchers analyze the methods of investigation and treatment of three of the most successful therapists of that era ( Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt therapy, Virginia Satir , excellent in the field of Family Therapy and Milton Erickson , world-famous hypnotherapist) and notice how, despite the three therapists in question had very different temperaments, they used in a therapeutic analysis models and care strikingly similar.
Being based on the principle of "modeling " of excellent people, the GNP is now the science and offers the most advanced models, resources and techniques available by anyone wishing to advance and improve in every human activity. Founded as a how to solve problems, it still performs its best benefits. Quick and decisive, focuses on the resources of people, making noise and freeing the person from their blocks.
recommend everyone approndire 's argument with the' excellent ebook that I propose below, the GNP is certainly a topic that must not be missed.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Armstrong Ultra Furnace Wiring
Some will know what we talk about when you say " PhotoReading ", others do not . This is a quick way to learn in Italy is sponsored by the "Strategies of Geniuses" (hereafter SDG), a subsidiary of Learning Strategies Corporation (the LSC), founded in turn by Paul Scheele creator of the method. In Italy, unfortunately, lacking landmarks which rely more in the sense that the SDG as well as an interest in promoting its courses do not endeavor to provide its students with many more tools.
has recently appeared, however, a new site that has the intention to fill this gap, , and presents himself to his would-be visitors with few amenities, but good, a site, group discussion, a blog. The idea would be to create something more, but for now it's okay. We said
learning rapid, especially at this time if they feel the need, especially for college students tired to spend their summers on the books, or for workers who would like to have more free time without giving up his personal training. The method of PhotoReading solve many of these problems, but it seems too good to be true, it usually provides for this to drop in advance, giving in fact a unique opportunity. If you are looking for reviews if they find plenty of them, especially people who have never tried or have tried with little conviction and abandoned almost immediately. Generally these people are quite prepared to swear and forswear on the futility of the method.
The leap in quality that these people do not do is to NOT 'ALL simple and immediate, as among other things, the book by Paul Scheele seems to promise. The effort that makes the fotolettore will NOT be on fatigue in the study, but the change of mentality that led him to use his brain in a better way.
Many say "if in fact there who Fotoleggendo then these people would go around doing demonstrations, would be paid for it." Indeed there are those who do not know if it does, but who learn how to change generally does not do it to be a freak, but to improve their standard of living, have more free time, less labor in the study. Not to mention that those who would be willing to believe in a "demonstration"? The suspicious could always retort "Who says I did not know already the subject?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Skidoo Tundra For Sale
Hackers have breached the public site of the Large Hadron Collider , reported the Daily Telegraph and Times, the Greek Security Team breached the first level of security of ' LHC.
There was no damage, according spokesman James Gillies of CERN, was apparently only a demonstration for the purpose of warning, and perhaps to gain publicity.
It is thought that the 'incident is connected to the threats via telephone and e-mail to some scientists' HLC received, despite Stephen Hawking has reassured us more Sometimes, it seems that someone not fear the creation of a black hole which could swallow the earth. Among very few weeks will be brought into use superconducting magnets to 70% of maximum power, thus producing a particle beam with an energy of 5 TeV: we are waiting:)
Main on Particle god (BOOK)
Main on Higgs boson (WEB)
Main on Large Hadron Collider (WEB)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Black Blod Speaker Dont Work
As you know by now a few days has been successfully activated the 'accelerator at CERN, and then it now seems certain that there will be no end of the world as opposed to some scientists speculated' experiment.
probably in October will be injected new proton beams, which will be divided Accell and collide.
have 4 major experiments that will focus 3000 physicists hunt for the Higgs boson, the famous "god particle" that is the cell constitutes a 'universal.
Here I wanted to add some interesting links, or if you find any useful resource, please report them in a comment ;)
To learn more about God Particle (BOOK)
Main the Higgs boson (WEB)
To investigate the Large Hadron Collider (WEB)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cheesy Sayings To Write On Wedding Programs
Hi, I'm currently looking for willing collaborators would publish from time to time some interesting article on the blog at least a week, I'd love to be able to create a benchmark for ' where people get ideas and suggestions from other bloggers in one place so you do not release the information.
Anyone interested can contact me to do so by clicking here
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
How To Get Jeff Hardy's Haircut
Hi and now 'as many as 10 days, I returned from vacation, unfortunately due to time constraints I could not write the blog, but here I am with a My brief review of a book I read recently that I found very interesting.
biology of belief in the book of Prof. Bruce Lipton will get into the recent discoveries in biology to demonstrate that we become what we are and each day is not the result of our DNA as most of the intellectuals would have us believe In fact there is evidence that DNA provides the facilities basic as we are, but as we become and what is simply the 'environment to be determined, so if you think you are destined to be failures or unable to do anything you need to think again because as explained by Lipton us we can change our lives for the better and what we reprogram also explains how quantum physics is important to explain the biology, thanks to it in the future we would be able to explain much more than we can now with the new biology. Professor Lipton
all 'beginning of the book explains in simple terms how cells work and its parts are introducing us to the functioning of multicellular organisms, the' author also speaks of drugs now widely used as candy and how often are unnecessary and often harmful showing that the so-called placebo effect is the real healer, the 'placebo effect is for those who do not know when our brains unconsciously believes that he received a cure coming in a safe state is able to self treat the disease without having really taken any medicine.
The book is also dedicated a chapter to the responsibility of parents in the proper education of children, as a posivita information antenatal and postnatal helps children grow healthy and strong, it is advised to read this book to fathers and mothers, as it educates you to a new methodology to address life more positive and beneficial in this regard there will certainly be more extensive books on 'topics of parenting, but that' s definitely a good resource you should not miss.
Dall 'author ..
What we believe determines what we are, and not our DNA determine our lives and our health.
Aquista on: The Garden Of BooksFriday, August 8, 2008
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For those who still had not done and was interested to discover new theories about the secret force of 'universe, should definitely read this read through the book where story describes many experiments which all lead to 'idea that there is a hidden force that flows through the' universe and maybe in the near future can be used as a source of clean energy.
The book also explains how effective the 'influence of' observer, and in fact 'proved that people can change the' outcome of the test equipment, changing the 'output with just the thought, it seems as explained in the book that every human being can influence the world around them obviously so microscopic, the world around them. Many other experiments
all covered by the tests demonstrated, leading the reader to better understand how scientists have come confirmation of the 'existence of this hidden energy in' universe, it goes without saying that a review is not 'sufficient to correctly describe this book, and then advise everyone to read, as used in the book are not understandable by non-technical terms, the 'only thing we recommend is to be open minded;)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Handboek Fiat Trekker
Want to learn the techniques to get the most from your reading?
For those who have little time to read but still want to learn and know, this fantastic ebook helps you understand and implement the best techniques to triple your reading speed while at the same speed to transpose the arguments and ideas read.
The ebook is based on accelerated learning techniques that allow your brain to train and keep fit, fast, like an athlete, fast and responsive allowing you to learn many concepts, ideas, information and content faster.
accelerated learning techniques are widely used for many years, in time, these techniques have evolved and improved, ebook is a compilation of the best discoveries sector.
The book is divided into seven chapters , explaining all the techniques and strategies needed, step by step be able to learn all the strategies to triple your reading speed and learning.
L ' ebook is one of the many productions can buy directly online by going to this page .
Boris Becker =appendicitis
In this wonderful documentary will be introduced to the fascinating theory the law of attraction, I recommend to everyone watching this movie, the 'only thing that flaw is being shot almost like a movie but I can assure you that knows how to entertain and give you the motivation to embrace the secret.
I got to see the English version, so I have not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Italian translation, generally prefer the English versions, because the voices are better, but I am sure that you receive the message correctly the Italian version.
The secret is basically the law of attraction here is much talk around this time, although I think the system is too exalted in the documentary is certainly true that a general sense of positivity improves our daily lives and our health, in fact the negativity consumes us both physically and mentally by bringing in situations in which we will prove even more & # 249; negativity.
For the rest I leave to you the proceedings.
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This little book of only 89 pages that seemed to many too short to extract enough information, I can assure you the opposite.
The book discusses the basics of Mind Mapping , Amazingly simple but effective tools that allow you to remember anything and also organize our day!.
This book obviously does not want to be the explanation for the 'application to any field, but a valuable tool for learning the basics to start using mind maps in our daily life.
Shop: The Garden of Books
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Baby Wrestling Singlet
The stress is in a state of dysfunction and altering the balance of psychosomatic organism, which can become chronic and wear down the 'individual, for example by losing the ability to develop appropriate responses and behaviors to the real external requirements. But stress is not necessarily a bad thing, indeed, if managed properly , can be a source of vitality and positive voltage towards the achievement of personal fulfillment and well-being.
The accumulation of stress and disease arising therefrom are not a necessary consequence of the tight rhythms of life or of the high burden of responsibility to which we are often subjected. Instead anxiety and tension may arise from any event that is perceived above our means and create in us feelings of helplessness and inadequacy.
If stress is a normal and necessary reaction adaptation that makes the body more receptive to challenging situations, excessive build up of tension can lead to a lowering of individual performance to give rise to states incapacitating mood and in some cases real physical and psychological disorders. The
chronic stress ("distress") is not an excessive workload and fatigue is not because of too many commitments, but the difficulty of returning to a state of relaxation, of calm and repose, after ' activation and effort to overcome obstacles and resolve problems.
roots lie in changes of chronic stress deep breathing, muscle tone of the basic postures and movements: alterations objectively present and detectable but which you find difficult. Therefore, chronic stress progresses, making it difficult to perform normal social activities and work, eventually producing more and more dangerous diseases and disorders.
Stress is now recognized as one of most serious social ills that deserves a prompt response, both of which care prevention.
This disorder is in fact registered in increasing percentages in different areas social and in a wide age group. Today stress strikes indiscriminately school children, women and men at the beginning of his career, manager, established professionals and retirees.
Numerous studies show a close link between the accumulation of tension and the tendency to abnormal behavior in adolescence, dependence on drugs, the lower productivity at work, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and even more prone to heart.
stress is causing more and more spread across disorders: anxiety, panic attacks , insomnia, fatigue, impaired concentration and decision , repetitive thoughts, irritability , sexual impotence, headaches, colitis . It also demonstrated the link between stress and certain serious diseases: cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases , weakened imunitario , diabetes, cancer .
With Wellness not want to describe a condition of "absence of disease," but something much most important and wide: the ability to live in their full potential, free energy immobilized develop their quality of life , achieving levels of life even more satisfying .
The Wellness Center Zerostress, using functional disciplines Stress, can Measure and Evaluate the state of stress and Acting quickly on its modification.
The functional disciplines Antistress made it possible to intervene effectively in that that continuum from macro (breath, movement, behavior, etc..) Leads to micro (internal biochemical changes, neurotransmitters, hormonal and immune systems, etc..), that plans and external access to port those deep, inner, invisible , bringing the body to a state of natural balance and efficiency.
The structure of the treatment offered by the Centers Zerostress, both in terms of dissolution that prevention, ranging from modification of certain general rules of body processes (such as breathing) up to a integrated psychosomatic disciplines, specifically calibrated on all stress and its psycho-physiological mechanisms.
Zerostress studying more advanced methods to treat stress and reach a true and lasting wellness : not a temporary relaxation (as produced by most of the techniques known to date), but a deep rooted change in the mechanisms of stress.