Lolleggiare flat out
I dyed my bag university. Yes, I dyed ... and I'm laughing like a madman. The goal was to create a black bag with dark blue stripes, however, came out from the washing machine an abomination. I feel a little 'as the Elric brothers, convinced that his mother back to life, and instead have just created a humanoid which has taken refuge at the moment the soul without the body of Alphonse. I transmuted even I, a forbidden transmutation: the vile straw-yellow gear, the stylish black. The truth I took part of the eye as punishment. Three months ago, however, that he was already aware of my crime against nature?
The result is indescribable, a dark blue with black spots scattered around. Splendor in other words.
A quick pictures of my sin.
(Note very important, stylish hoscritto just to make the scene, I have the style and class of the purple cow I will most likely be his relative, the bull indigo.)