Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Zen Fountain, Vancouver Canada

The water feels the emotions and feelings?

Several people, after seeing the film that shows how water reacts to the emotions, I asked the link with the GNP.
The link exists and I think it is extremely obvious. We are made of water. And we are also the product of our beliefs. We will see later how to change our beliefs to make them empowering. For now I just think that the water of my body changing with my thoughts. And then, in a sense favors them. Become an ally of my most sincere wishes. Try this little experiment: type the word "love" on a package that will always take him (in his wallet in a pocket ...). Think of the wonderful feelings that this word will bring lots of energy in your bodies and in your thoughts ... I look forward to reading your comments tell me where all the good things that happened in the meantime there will be.

Ps You may have a person next to you skeptical. Hide in your wallet or wherever the package with the word "love" ... and then see what happens in the days after ...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baking Cake Corningware